Just like all the Dutch people, apparantly, I came down with the FLU last month. I write that word in capitals, because he wás feverish and he had no intention of leaving. When he did leave me eventually (for a day or two, three..) up he came again. And again. He stayed with me all February long.
So that’s the main reason why I didn’t come up with photos earlier on.
If you are still interested in seeing some pictures of the Shetland Pony Stallions, please be my guest!
Hope you’ll enjoy them!
photo above:
Champion of the day: Hedric v Bromishet,
chestnut, sire: Winnetoy vd Gemarisahof, dam Uranka v Bromishet KR PREF, bred by mr. M.M.J. Broens, owned by mr. A.J. Steijvers;
Overall Champion: Enrique v Gelre,
black, sire: Nelantinus vd Groote Woerd PREF, dam Winx vd Bengd KR PREF, bred and owned by P. & M. v. Doorn
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(Please do not download or share parts or photos of this post. Sharing all of this post, obviously, is no problem at all!) If you want to obtain these pictures, please contact me.