Guus en zijn vriendinnetje: ‘What are you looking at??’
‘Catch the food…. avoid the slime!’
Recently our local grooming salon Cees and Coos celebrated its ten years-anniversary.
I was invited to take photo’s of the dogs that day.
Of course, I took my work very seriously.
But other than that, I could not resist to initiate another photoshoot: Catch the Food!!
The dogs were far from reluctant to participate.
On the contrary: Their mouths watered when seeing the bits of food. And in a split second, that same water was all over the place.
Luckily I stood at safe distance. And I did not have to bother with cleaning up afterwards.
Especially the dogs with loose face-skin showed funny faces when catching the food.
Like Luuk, the Newfoundland in the photo above.
One moment he looked as if a bone was stuck in his mouth (photo on the left); the next his lips flew happily upwards.
Guus, the black-and-white dog, was also keen to take part in my project.
I did not expect him to be that fast though…. I couldn’t keep up with him!!